8th December 2019, Dhulikhel Hospital, Dhulikhel: The 2017/18 Toastmasters year ended with twelve clubs in Nepal. Six more clubs were added in 2018/19. A linear organic progression would mean eight new clubs. It was surprising to many when just six months into the year twelve new clubs had been chartered out of which nine were having their Installation ceremony together.

This momentous occasion demanded a worthy celebration and it was realized when International President Deepak Menon, DTM installed the leaders of the new clubs on 8th December 2019 at Dhulikhel Hospital, a beautiful community hospital in Dhulikhel, a town close to the capital. The hospital had just chartered a club of its own and its members were elated and proud to be hosting the International President and District 41 Director Jennifer Ghosh, DTM.

Also attending the event were District 41 Club Growth Director Ranjit Acharya, DTM, Division A Director Suman Shakya, DTM and Area Directors of these new clubs. The formal program was led by Bhanu Dabadi, DTM. Menon’s passionate speech filled the hall with enthusiasm, and after the installation, he inspired members with his story of growing in the Toastmasters community. Next we had motivational speeches by Ghosh, Acharya, and Shakya. The program received a fitting ending as the Vice-Chancellor of Kathmandu University, Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha shared a powerful message of impact and growth.

This amazing growth, audacious to many, was not happenstance and it was no surprise to the leaders in Nepal. It was only a result of years of meticulous planning, leading, collaborating, and believing.

By Avish Acharya, CC, ALB, Area A5 Director Photo Courtesy Youbesh Dhaubhadel, PI1

Published in Inkspire Issue 3. Click here for the full newsletter.

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