On Thursday, February 13th, Toastmasters at Laxmi Bank Toastmasters Club were seated to witness the much-awaited Anniversary Celebration. It marked the club’s 6th year of its incredible leadership journey, and the excitement was doubled as it was the day of the International Speech and Table Topics contest. The contestants were cheered by a full house presence. Charismatic speakers were able to leave the audience speechless. The aura of “Competition meets Celebration” was in the air throughout the meeting. But this wasn’t all, there were surprises one after another. All the past presidents of the club walked in to be a part of the fantastic celebration.
As Toastmasters Ravi Mainali and Euden Koirala, were welcomed with greetings and open arms, the applauds and smiles weren’t getting any low as Bibha Shah came all the way from Canada and joined the celebration. Club appreciation certificate being printed on the top of the cake was another surprise that added more sweetness in this sweet memory. No doubt, it will be cherished by everyone at Laxmi Bank Toastmasters for years.
Sahishnuta Sharma, VPPR, Laxmi Bank Toastmasters Club
Published in Inkspire Issue 3. Click here for the full newsletter.