Ankit Goenka

Area A3 Director

Ankit Goenka is serving as the Area 3 Director, Division A, District 41 Toastmasters International for the term 2019-20. A member since 2012, he is a charter member and Past President of Himalaya Toastmasters Club. Currently, he is a proud member of Everest Toastmasters Club – his home club. He believes in striving towards betterment by taking one step at a time, where patience is the key to success.

Professionally, he is associated with his family business which deals in different trading business of surgical products, merchandise branding, and has begun recently working in close hands with his brother in his manufacturing unit of eraser and sharpener here in Kathmandu. He also specializes in the field of marketing and sales.

Know More About Ankit Goenka

Ankit Goenka is serving as the Area 3 Director, Division A, District 41 Toastmasters International for the term 2019-20. He is a proud member of Everest Toastmasters Club and also served as the Area Secretary under the amazing leadership of past Area Directors Distinguish Toastmaster Ranjit Acharya and TM Anish Dixit.

He has been a member of Toastmaster fraternity since 2012; he was also one of the charter members of Himalaya Toastmasters Club and served in different roles of executive committee. The club also received president distinguish award under his leadership as the President in the year 2016-17. He is contributing in the growth of the Toastmasters fraternity in Nepal by adding new clubs which are in pipeline, by focusing on the quality of the meeting conducted.

This year A3 aims to be Presidents’ Distinguish Area, by focusing on DCP goals by achieving them at the given time. He will also focus on mentorship for all program during this year and ensure that one club achieves Hall of fame, one club achieves Golden Gavel and one club achieves Presidents’ Distinguish Award.

Professionally, he is associated with his family business which deals in different trading business of surgical products, merchandise branding, and has recently started working in close hands with his brother in his manufacturing unit of eraser and sharpener here in Kathmandu. He also specializes in the field of marketing and sales.

He likes listening to soft romantic music and loves travelling to new places, and has become from a person who did not like reading books to someone who has started reading books.