Most skills in life can be acquired or built upon. The same mantra extends to communications as well. There are multiple skills that factor into communications and being an effective communicator requires you to be mindful of many aspects. The evaluators in Toastmasters are there to help each member build on their communications skills and grow as an effective communicator. This series delves into a few basics that can help one work towards being an effective communicator. The ingredients include:

  1. The art of listening
  2. Content is communication
  3. The role of your eyes
  4. In between the lines
  5. Comfort level
  6. Crutch words
  7. Tick tock on the clock
  8. Audience awareness

Just like most skills in life, the practice makes perfect mantra applies to communications as well. Toastmasters provides interested individuals with a platform to practice, build and hone communications skills. Each individual has a different journey, different strengths and different weaknesses. Self development and self growth is all about being aware, building on the areas that require improvement and continuing things we excel in. 

Before you begin your journey in becoming an effective communicator, ask yourself: what makes you an effective communicator? Does this list miss any of the basics? Do you have any suggestions for us? Introspect and begin your journey of effective communications. Happy communicating!

TM Kriti Panth
Secretary, Professionals Toastmaster Club
Area O2 CGD

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