The Role of your Eyes

Eye contact can make or break your communication interactions. When you sit across a person in person or in a virtual meeting, the eyes are an integral part of your communication exchanges. In conversation, the way you position your eyes can change the course of your interaction. As a result, eye contact is among the […]

Content is communication

As you read the title, I am sure you were thinking of the common expression “content is king.” Regardless of your connection with the expression or the concerns about why content should  be king, Why can’t content be queen? Let us refrain from derailing and draw attention to the fact that your content is the […]

The Art of Listening

Imagine a world where you are the only one talking. If you just read that sentence and feel that it sounds ridiculous, then you’ll surely agree with what I have to say next. That sounds like a monologue that never ends and fails to attract the attention of people sooner or later. This is where […]

My Impromptu Evaluations

I remember that in my initial days at Toastmasters I grabbed the Better Table Topics Speaker award at my first attempt, been awarded the Better Featured Speaker on my very first speech. But evaluations, boy, that was a different ball game altogether! I feared evaluations so much that I despised it. I have taken part […]

Choose to Continue

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” This is how I would want to define myself. Confined and happy within the thickness of medical textbooks, satisfied with my learning, accomplishments, and professional growth, content with my attitude to […]

From What-ifs to bigger expectations

– TM Sampanna Shrestha, Prabhu Bank Toastmasters Club “So, tell me something about yourself”. Most of the time I didn’t know how to respond to that. I usually began with my name, followed by my job, then the degree, and my college. As if only these things described who I was. I was so much […]

We do not start a Toastmasters Club, we build a community

– TM Pankaj Pradhananga, Asssociate CGD D41​ “The Two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why” Mark Twain Today Bhaktapur Toastmasters club marked one year of chartering the club. Hence it was indeed a great day and as expected the Bhaktapur Toastmasters club […]

Leadership is like new shoes

July 1, 2019, You wake up and realize that you are in different shoes altogether. Doors open for newer opportunities and learning, which awaits you on the other side. The role of Area Director was something that came in just like new shoes, and I had to adjust, wear, and make sure I was comfortable […]

Prancing Horses and Practicing Leadership

A horse came galloping down the road. It seemed as though the man on the horse had somewhere important to go. Another man who was standing on the road shouted, “Where are you going?” The man on the horse replied, “I don’t know! Ask the horse!” What sets apart a leader from “the rest” is […]

Why Leadership Roles?

I remember traveling to Delhi in June 2019. It was training sessions for the newly appointed area Directors. The weather was equally hot, if not more. We were staying at the Welcome Hotel in Dwarka.    The next day session started with formal welcome remarks from the District Director and followed by a keynote speech from […]