Couldn’t Believe My Ears

Life is incredibly full of surprises, more often through unexpected phenomena. Registering my name to participate in ‘Humorous Speech Contest’ itself was not less than a big joke since I had never seen such a contest, except on YouTube, and further, I had to perform a hilarious speech in English. Moreover, I was going to […]
Growing at Kathmandu Toastmasters Club

Everybody says we grow at Toastmasters, but only a few inform us how that happens. Today let us talk about the ‘How?’ During mid-2018 I joined Kathmandu Toastmasters Club. I was a shy person and didn’t know how to introduce myself. On that evening I sat beside Toastmaster Aniket Khanal and tried to network with […]
Home Away From Home

Toastmasters not only helps one enhance their communication and public speaking skills, but also helps build public relations. In fact, the benefits go beyond it. It builds a mindset that always pushes you to come out of your comfort zone. Toastmasters fraternity has an international presence, and you can continue your journey wherever you are […]
Showcasing Nepali talent at Oration, Kolkata

My maiden visit to Kolkata last Summer was long due on my wishlist. Having heard about previous Oration (District 41’s Annual Conference) experience from fellow Toastmasters held in Delhi, I could feel high-level energy among participants. While I was a new member and also VPM, I didn’t think twice to register for Oration as an […]
How does one become better at Toastmasters?

Since its establishment in 1924, millions of people have joined Toastmasters intending to become better communicators. Amidst that glory and dream, many often seem to question – but how does one improve their speaking skills at Toastmasters? I vividly remember the time when I had this question as a new member. I started working on […]
The goal is not to be perfect by the end, but it is to be better tomorrow.

What do you fear? I always felt public speaking was something I feared. For as long as I could remember, the thought of speaking in front of an audience filled me with anxiety and stress. Growing up, I always heard people say how terrifying and nerve-wracking it is to speak in public. I had the […]
How I learned to ace just about any skill from Toastmasters

I joined Toastmasters in February 2018 with one intention — I wanted to become a better communicator. Today almost 2 years later, I am quite satisfied with my steadfast growth. Over the years, I also learned something from this platform that I never thought I would. While attending Toastmasters’ meetings I learned that the basic […]
Toastmasters Meeting? Yes, please.

I liked to define myself as somewhere between an extrovert and an introvert. I would open up to people I was comfortable with, however, to go and mingle with a diverse group always gave me chills. Joining Laxmi Bank Toastmasters Club turned out to be a much-needed opening for me. My sole goal was to […]
Lessons from Toastmasters Meetings

I always believed public speaking wasn’t my cup of tea. While the fear of public speaking tainted my confidence, I met people who enjoyed it without any fear, anxiety, or alarm. I always wondered how they managed it. Before joining Toastmasters, I did not participate in public speaking platforms apart from classroom presentations. However, I […]
The Reason I Come Back To Toastmasters Every Week

Never had I imagined I would be able to come out of my shell. Toastmasters gave me a platform not only to enhance my communication, networking and leadership skills but also helped me figure out that I had the potential in me to make friends and connect with people. When one of my friends at […]